‘The term ‘data security’ is very limited. “Cyber security” is broader but it has to be precisely defined.’
Netox’s new head of cyber security Markku Korkiakoski doesn’t sound worried even though has a serious expression. Might as well: his area of responsibility in the company is serious business. Cyber threats are all over media on a daily basis; it is Korkiakoski’s responsibility to help Netox customers protect themselves.
‘I would rather call it digital trust. Data security refers to information or data protection whereas cyber security covers a significantly broader range of protection.’
‘The term “cyber security” is hard to approach; in the end, we’re talking about bringing trust into the digital world. These days all systems and software environments are exposed to cyber threats and no one-for-all solution still exists,’ says Korkiakoski. ‘That’s why cyber security – or digital trust – is formed piece by piece with small building blocks, and the aim is to create an all-encompassing security system in the digital world.’
Markku Korkiakoski is a long-time expert whose international career includes previous positions with both Nokia and Bittium, although when Korkiakoski started in the latter, it was still called Elektrobit. ‘I’ve been lucky to be involved in many interesting projects during my career. My responsibilities have included external interfaces for both companies and research communities; among other things, I’ve led a DIMEC Cyber trust project where I first met the people at Netox,’ says Korkiakoski. ‘They made a good first impression.’
‘When I started considering a new direction for my career, I thought of Netox first’, laughs Markku Korkiakoski. ‘I spent 12 years in the previous place – that makes you wonder what else is out there.’ According to Korkiakoski, during the Cyber trust programme, Netox proved themselves to be a company that takes initiative and delivers what they promise. ‘So here we are.’
Netox has promised Korkiakoski liberties to develop their cyber security business in new directions, including extending business abroad. ‘Naturally, anything related to cyber security is very international, and the most successful solutions usually require close co-operation with different partners. I have a lot of experience in building business relationships both in Finland and abroad, and I am looking to expand Netox’s business with an open mind. In Finland, I am a member of the FISC (*) executive board and the S2ERC centre business coordinator; I’m also otherwise active on the industry of cyber expertise. I believe that Netox has an an excellent chance to succeed. It is great to get to a be a part of this development,’ says Korkiakoski.
(*) Finnish Information Security Cluster
(**) Security and Software Engineering Research Center, FIN-USA