Contact us

Nainen pitelee kannettavaa tietokonetta

How can we help?

Interested in Netox? Any questions? Contact us – we’ll be happy to tell you more. 

Contact persons

Ville Kankare.

Ville Kankare

Vice President, Security & Modern Work

Mikko Pöyry.

Mikko Pöyry

Vice President, IT Services

Anssi Åkman.

Anssi Åkman

Director, Service Management

Netox Service Desk

We are here to help

Our Service Desk will help you with everyday IT problems and questions. We are open to our current customers on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Tel. +358 10 421 1110

24/7 Security Operation Center

The Netox Security Operations Center (SOC) responds to detected security threats 24/7, year round. Since our system never sleeps, your organisation is always safe and you can focus on your core tasks. 

Don’t worry – contact us

Have you detected a security threat or been the target of a cyber attack? Dont’ panic, our experts will help.

Henri Niemitalo

Sales Executive, Security & Modern Work

Our offices

Our cosy offices are located in Oulu and Helsinki – you’re welcome to drop in!


Krouvintie 4
90400 Oulu

Location on map

Netox Campus, Oulu

Paavo Havaksen tie 5 E
90570 Oulu

Location on map


Ilmalantori 4
00240 Helsinki

Location on map


Here you can find all our invoicing information.

Postal invoices

Netox Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

Online invoices

Online invoice address 003707213607
Operator: MAVENTA
Electronic data interchange code: 003721291126

Invoices by email
Attachment format: Pdf

Business ID


Contact request

Fill in your contact information and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Book a meeting

We are happy to help with all matters related to our services and your organization’s challenges and needs. Find a suitable time for you in our calendar and let’s talk more.